Cookie policy, privacy, GDPR

Information on terms of service, privacy and cookie policy

Collection and use of personal data

Personal data is data that can be used, directly or indirectly, to identify a person. Italian Film Photography collects some personal data provided through the contact form (data provided in a way absolutely aware of the user of the form) and through the use of the site. Specifically, they are collected:

Data provided in the contact form: email address, name or other data provided SPONTANEOUSLY but not essential to the use of the form

Automatically recorded data: IP addresses (which are however shielded by the statistics plugin settings), connection times. Third party services (eg visit counter) can also register the operating system, browser, screen resolution and other data of the device used.

Use of collected data (if any)

The e-mail address is used to respond (manually) to any requests from users.

The data is used for this single purpose and is kept, in the maximum security possible, without time limits (the data is deleted only if requested by the user, but every time it is formatted or replaced the PC is permanently deleted). The data is processed within the European Union, and specifically in Italy.

Your rights

For any request about data and related policy sent to an answer will be sent within 30 days

Data breach

Italian Film Photography undertakes to communicate any violations of personal data (Data Breach) that may cause risks for the rights and freedoms of the parties concerned to the supervisory authority, as well as to those directly involved, within the terms established by law. However, Italian Film Photography is structured to reduce risks and make such data breaches as ineffective as possible.

Italian Film Photography collects only the data necessary for the site to function and any email addresses of users who contact spontaneously.

Privacy notes, legal notes

Pursuant to art. 13 of the legislative decree 30th June 2003 n. 196, Italian Film Photography will process the data provided in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data processing.

Personal data is collected by electronic means and processed, also with the aid of electronic means, directly and / or through delegated third parties for the following purposes and methods:
– purposes related to the execution of the site services (technical or statistical cookies)
– email addresses and any requests via the contact form will never be made public. Advertising messages will not be sent via email (THE SITE IS NOT INTERESTED IN MAKING ADVERTISEMENT OR HAVING SPONSORSHIP. WHAT IS NEEDED TO SPEND IN ORDER TO KEEP IT RUNNING IS SPENT BY THE OWNER WITHOUT SEEKING ANY KIND OF AID).
– The website owner and responsible for data processing is Eng. Stefano Scappazzoni, mail

The owner of this site declares under his own responsibility that the informational message of the site is branched in compliance with the regulations in force.

The user’s right to exercise the rights pursuant to art. 7 of Law 196/2003. (and EU equivalent) According to the same article, one has the right to request the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law (if there are any), and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment. To this end, the interested party may contact the owner’s e-mail address.


On Italian Film Photography are used the technical cookies necessary for the functioning of the CMS (WordPress) as well as those of some third parties, relating to common social interactions on the web: +1 Button and Google+ social widgets, Like Button and Facebook social widgets, Tweet button and social Twitter widgets and LinkedIn Button for sharing.
There are also cookies for access statistics (not those of Google Analytics) but in anonymous form and therefore to be considered as technical cookies as they are used only for the purpose of optimizing and managing the site’s functions; NO combination or correlation between the data of the various cookies is made by the manager of Italian Film Photography. Italian Film Photography uses technical cookies and third-party cookies to optimize navigation and to make most pages work.

By continuing to browse, you consent to the use of cookies.

Specifically, Italian Film Photography uses the following technical cookies (ie cookies that allow the site to work, but do not store personal data):

1) Technical cookies of CMS wordpress
2) cookies for language selection
3) cookies for choosing between desktop version and mobile version of the site

Third-party cookies can also be installed (ie cookies installed by other sites), specifically:

1) WP statistics (policy WP-Statistics )

2) Facebook ( policy Facebook )

3) Twitter (policy Twitter )

4) Google+ (policy Google+ )

5) LinkedIn (policy LinkedIn )

Italian Film Photography does not directly use any ‘profiling cookies’, ie cookies that store preferences and sensitive data for commercial or advertising purposes.

The table below shows all the cookies that can be generated by this website and for which you can select agreement or disagreement acting on the tab showed in the bottom of any page:


Should you wish to completely disable cookies, remove the cookies installed by Italian Film Photography or remove only some specific cookies, consult the instructions of your browser. You can find instructions for the most popular browsers at the following links: browser FirefoxChromeInternet ExplorerMicrosoft EdgeSafari.
For further information or for less common browsers not listed above, please refer to the websites of the respective producers.

For more information on cookies, their terrible threat to the future of mankind, their management and elimination, we recommend that you visit the page